Who are we?
High Street Press is the publishing arm of the Missouri Baptist Convention (MBC). We exist to partner with selected Missouri Baptist authors to create reasonably priced, theologically sound books and other resources that help carry out the MBC vision of transforming lives and communities with the gospel.
The Benefits of our resources
- Publications produced by leaders in the Missouri Baptist Convention
- Content that is consistent with the Southern Baptist statement of faith, The Baptist Faith & Message (current edition)
- Resources designed for personal or group study
- Undated publications so you may build a plan for your church any time of the year
- Topics that are culturally relevant such as same-sex attraction, racial reconciliation, and the afterlife
- Doctrinal themes that go to the heart of historic Christianity such as the Trinity and salvation
Our Process
High Street Press accepts manuscript proposals through an online submission process. Authors must be Missouri Baptists or have solid MBC ties, and their manuscripts must be consistent with The Baptist Faith & Message 2000.